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Culinary Experiences vs things this year!
Culinary Experiences vs things this year!
Culinary Experiences vs things this year!
Culinary Experiences vs things this year!
Culinary Experiences vs things this year!
Culinary Experiences vs things this year!
Le DolciLe Dolci
Exciting PA Day Baking Camp at Le Dolci Culinary Classroom!

Exciting PA Day Baking Camp at Le Dolci Culinary Classroom!

Dear Parents,

Are you searching for an engaging and educational activity for your kids on the upcoming PA Day? Look no further! Le Dolci Culinary Classroom is thrilled to announce our Baking Camp tailored specifically for young aspiring chefs like yours!

Here are the enticing details of our PA Day Baking Camp:

Date and Time: February 16th, 2024, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Price: $99!
Location: 12 Sousa Mendes St. Culinary Classroom, in the Junction
Age Group: Ideal for kids aged 7-11 years old

Snacks included such as juice, popcorn and granola bars 

  • Parents to pack peanut free lunch


    During this full-day culinary adventure, your child will immerse themselves in the world of baking, learning essential skills while having an absolute blast! From mixing and kneading to decorating and tasting, every moment promises to be filled with excitement.

    Here's a sneak peek into what our young bakers will experience:

    • Hands-on Baking: Guided by our experienced Chefs, they will master the art of making Pastry Cinnamon Buns with Milk Glaze Icing!
    • Educational Fun: Beyond the kitchen, our campers will engage in meditation sessions to kick start their day with calmness and focus. Additionally, weather permitting, they will enjoy outdoor activities and music, adding extra joy to their experience.
    • Snack Time: To keep their energy levels up, we'll provide snacks including juice, popcorn, and granola bars. Please remember to pack a peanut-free lunch for your child.

    At the end of the day, your little chef will proudly bring home their delectable creations to share with the family

    We can't wait to ignite your child's passion for baking and creativity at our PA Day Baking Camp. Get ready for a day filled with flour-dusted smiles and delicious memories!

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